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Case Study: How You Can Optimize Operational Efficiency by up to 50% with TopLeft’s Kanban Solutions

Written by Wim Kerkhoff | Sep 13, 2024 5:32:24 PM

 Identifying the Need for Change in Your MSP Operations  

For 25 years, TEBA has been Australia’s go-to Citrix specialist, delivering top-tier end-user computing projects for large and mid-sized organizations. Despite their impressive credentials, TEBA faced many issues with project efficiency. Ticket responses and speediness in project resolutions were slow, revealing major gaps in their workflows. This problem just struck as all the more apparent after reading the Phoenix Project, a book that highlights upon efficiency issues faced by IT companies and how fixing these issues is imperative to maintain a company's health. 

Steve Psaradellis, who manages TEBA, knew that relying on their traditional methods just wasn’t cutting it anymore. They lacked the ability to properly visualize workflows and prioritize tasks effectively. To stay competitive and stop losing a ton of time and money, they realized they needed a major shift in how they operated.  


A Search for a Solution: Discovering TopLeft  

Upon finishing the Phoenix Project, Steve embarked on a journey with a strong want to find a method for visualizing and monitoring workflows in an organized way. In the past, the team previously made efforts to visualize workflows, but these solutions were ineffective because their visualization software couldn't seamlessly integrate with TEBA's data in ConnectWise Manage. This is a common challenge for many MSPs. They often rely on tools that do not integrate with their PSA, which typically causes numerous issues for them such as data duplication. That’s when Steve came across CW Kanban, which eventually became TopLeft. After finding TopLeft's project management software, which both visualizes projects and seamlessly integrates with ConnectWise, TopLeft provided exactly what was required by TEBA to bring their operations to the next level.  
What makes TopLeft stand out is more than just its integration capabilities. It’s the way the tool enables a shift in how teams approach work. For Steve and his leadership team, adopting TopLeft wasn’t just about introducing new software—it was about redefining the way the entire organization approached its work. The key to success was getting every team member aligned with this new strategy, which meant driving home the importance of a structured, visual approach to workflow management. This approach works effectively for project management because most individuals are visual learners, meaning most people retain the most information when presented orally. TopLeft ensures that no task is overlooked by giving teams a broad view of the project landscape, enabling them to identify priorities, address potential obstacles, and make real-time informed decisions. This allows MSPs to divide complex projects into smaller tasks, which enables them to visualize workflows and coordinate individuals at ease.


Customizing Workflows to Enhance Your Team’s Performance  

One of the biggest hurdles they faced was the diverse workflows each team member followed. Steve and the Service Delivery Manager had to tailor the Kanban system to fit each role within the organization.  
TopLeft’s flexibility made all the difference. The Service Delivery Manager, for instance, implemented a specialized queueing system to triage tickets and determine which level of engineer should handle each task. Engineers could then choose tasks from designated queues based on their skill level, leading to smoother work distribution and fewer delays. By organizing tasks more systematically, the team started eliminating bottlenecks and improving overall performance.  

The transition was thoroughly recorded. Steve's team put together a thorough PowerPoint presentation explaining the new system, furtherly simplifying the process for training current staff and welcoming new employee. If anyone had difficulty understanding the new workflow or how to identify the current project priorities, they could just go through the presentation again. This amount of documentation proved to be extremely valuable, reassuring that the team remained informed and able to adjust rapidly to new changes.  


The Impact of Visual Management on Your Efficiency  

 The changes made a huge impact on TEBA’s efficiency. Through creating visual representations of their work processes and improving task prioritization, TEBA managed to greatly decrease the amount of time dedicated to handling their tickets. TopLeft's tool for tracking work in progress was a revolutionary element for their operations, enabling them to identify bottlenecks effortlessly, assign tasks with ease, and oversee workloads with clear precision. 
Prior to TopLeft, TEBA frequently exceeded budget and missed deadlines with their projects. Nevertheless, following the implementation of the new system, TEBA observed a 57% increase in project efficiency. This increased productivity saved them time and money and allowed them to tackle additional projects without increasing resources. For any MSP looking to scale operations, this kind of efficiency gain is invaluable.




TopLeft’s visual management approach also brought significant improvements to their project completion rates. Before adopting TopLeft, TEBA’s projects were typically completed at 30% over their estimated time and budget. That’s a figure that reflects the kind of inefficiencies many MSPs experience when they don’t have the right tools in place. After implementing TopLeft’s Kanban solution, that number dropped to just 71.6%. This isn’t just about saving money; it’s about building trust with clients by consistently delivering projects on time and within budget. The result? Happier clients and a stronger reputation in the industry.

Sustaining the Gains: Continuous Improvement and Team Adaptation

Even after achieving these great outcomes, Steve and his team continued to move forward. They kept focusing on improving their techniques by frequently adapting them to maintain the progress made with TopLeft. The leadership group actively involved all members in ongoing enhancements, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

The PowerPoint presentation containing the system's documentation evolved into a constantly updated and dynamic tool reflecting process changes . This guide was relied upon by new team members and those in need of a quick and straightforward review. This approach of consistency made sure that every team member was on the same page and understood the significance of visualizing their work.

The Results: A More Efficient and Scalable MSP

The transformation at TEBA shows just how powerful visual management can be when combined with the right tools. TopLeft didn’t just help them see their workflows—it became the foundation for their entire operational strategy. By prioritizing tasks, managing workloads more effectively, and continuously refining their processes, TEBA turned into a leaner, more efficient operation.

Steve no longer needs multiple project management tools. With TopLeft, which seamlessly integrates with ConnectWise, HaloPSA, and Datto Autotask, they’ve found an all-in-one solution that streamlines their workflows, enhances visibility, and optimizes their internal operations. This integration has allowed them to deliver exceptional service while keeping their entire team aligned and focused on their goals.

Key Takeaways

Improved Efficiency: TEBA increased operational efficiency by 57%, resulting in significant savings in opportunity cost and time saved.

Project Success: Projects that previously ran 130% over budget and schedule are now completed at just 71.6%, thanks to streamlined workflows and effective task delegation enabled by TopLeft.

Scalable Processes: Comprehensive documentation and onboarding strategies allow TEBA to scale operations without losing momentum, ensuring that new and existing team members can quickly adapt to the system.

TopLeft’s innovative Kanban solution transformed how TEBA manages projects, setting them up for continued success in a competitive MSP landscape.

Final Thoughts: Embracing the Future with TopLeft

Steve’s experience with TopLeft underscores the importance of embracing change and investing in the right methodology and tools to drive efficiency. TEBA’s journey is a strong example for other MSPs looking to enhance operations and achieve sustainable growth. With TopLeft, you have the power to set a new standard for operational excellence in your business.

Imagine having a tool that doesn’t just organize your work but transforms the way your entire team operates—driving efficiency, boosting productivity, and crushing deadlines.

This is your chance to make that vision a reality. Don’t settle for mediocre.

Book your demo today and see firsthand how TopLeft can revolutionize your operations and position your MSP for unstoppable success.

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