Maximize ROI for Project Management with TopLeft's Solution

Why TopLeft’s PSA Integration is Essential for Your Technology Business 

Time is money, and the last thing you want is for your technicians to waste valuable hours duplicating data across disconnected systems. Over the years, we’ve seen many MSPs try to use tools like Trello,, and Asana in desperation to get a handle on their projects and tickets. In fact, our own founder’s MSP explored those same tools over a decade ago, hoping they could bring more structure and visibility to their operations. But like so many others, they quickly realized that while these platforms work well for general project management, they fall short when it comes to the unique needs of MSPs. Without deep integration with PSA systems like ConnectWise or Autotask, these tools left them juggling disconnected workflows, dealing with manual updates, and struggling to get a clear picture of what was happening across their business. This very challenge is what led to the creation of TopLeft. 

With TopLeft, you don’t have to worry about double entry or manual updates. Our integration automatically syncs data from your PSA and organizes it into a visual workflow that’s easy to understand and act on. You’ll have a comprehensive view of your entire operation in one place—whether it’s ticketing, project management, or resource allocation. 

TopLeft isn’t just another tool; it’s a way to align your team, enhance workflows, and ultimately boost your bottom line. Let’s dive into how our integration can help you optimize your operations and achieve measurable results. 


Visualize and Streamline Your Workflows 

One of the biggest reasons visualization is so important is that it taps into the way our brains are wired. Of the 86 billion neurons in our brain, around 20% are dedicated to vision. We’re naturally inclined to process visual information more efficiently than text alone. In fact, 65% of people are visual learners, meaning they absorb information better when it’s presented visually rather than through text or audio. Think about everyday communication—only 7% is about the words we use; the rest is tone, body language, and facial expressions. We’re visual creatures, so leveraging visual tools in project management isn’t just helpful—it’s essential. 

One of the biggest challenges you probably face is managing chaotic workflows. When tasks are scattered across different platforms, it’s easy for your team to get overwhelmed, leading to inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and missed deadlines. Traditional tools like Excel, Trello, or MS Planner might seem helpful, but they require constant manual updates and double entry because they don’t integrate with your PSA. Without that integration, you’re left managing data across disconnected systems, which costs you valuable time and money. 

TopLeft changes the game by bringing all your tasks and projects into one unified, visual system that directly integrates with ConnectWise, Datto Autotask, and soon-to-be HaloPSA. Our Kanban-style boards give you a clear view of what’s happening across your entire operation. You can see exactly what needs to be done, who’s responsible, and when it’s due—all in real time. No more chasing down updates or holding endless status meetings. You’ll have the information you need at your fingertips, allowing you to spot bottlenecks and make quick, informed decisions. 

The results speak for themselves. Steve at TEBA saw a 57% improvement in project efficiency in less than 6 months using TopLeft. Other clients, like Te’neyl at Morgan Birge, have even been able to eliminate coordinator and dispatch positions entirely. Many clients have significantly reduced their backlogs, with most tickets now being completed by the end of the day. 

By streamlining your workflows, you’re not just saving time—you’re driving real efficiency. Businesses using TopLeft report faster project completion, less time spent on rework, and happier clients who receive the service they expect on time. Those efficiency gains add up, allowing you to take on more projects without increasing your overhead. 


Boost Team Collaboration and Cut Meeting Times 

Collaboration is critical in a fast-moving technology business like yours, but it’s often a challenge. Miscommunication, long meetings, and unclear priorities can slow down your team and create friction between management and technicians. You don’t have time to waste on endless discussions about who’s doing what, and what we didn’t get done since the last meeting. What you need is a system that keeps everyone aligned and up to date. 

TopLeft’s PSA integration ensures that all your team members—from technicians to project managers—are working from the same real-time data. Our visual boards show who’s working on what, reducing the need for constant check-ins and cutting down on meeting times. Many of our clients have reduced their weekly project meetings from over 90 minutes to just 30 minutes after implementing TopLeft. 

When everyone knows exactly what they need to do and when it needs to be done, you’ll see improved team morale and productivity. Your technicians will have clear visibility into their tasks, reducing the chances of burnout and increasing job satisfaction. And with fewer meetings, your team can focus on what really matters: delivering excellent service. 


Optimize Resource Management and Reduce Costs 

Managing resources effectively is always a delicate balancing act. Without a clear view of your team’s workload and capacity, it’s easy to overbook your technicians or let tasks slip through the cracks. This leads to missed deadlines, overworked staff, and budget overruns—all of which can severely impact your profitability. 

TopLeft integrates directly with your PSA, providing real-time insights into technician workloads and capacity. With visual swimlanes, you can easily see who’s overloaded and who has room to take on more work. This allows you to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that no one is overwhelmed, and tasks are completed on time. Plus, our time entry integration automatically updates employee hours in the PSA, so your team doesn’t need to manually enter it again—saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors. 

The financial impact of these optimizations is significant. For example, one client using TopLeft saw a significant boost in efficiency rates: In ConnectWise, it used to take them around 45 minutes to complete a project management task in the PSA, but with TopLeft, it now only takes 13 minutes. Others have improved utilization by 100% for several engineers, leading to more billable hours without increasing costs. These are the kinds of efficiency gains that directly boost your bottom line. 




Why TopLeft Outperforms ConnectWise, HaloPSA, and Datto Autotask in Project Management Efficiency 

ConnectWise, HaloPSA, and Datto Autotask are great for managing service tickets and routine tasks, but they fall short in delivering the advanced project management features your business needs for true efficiency. These platforms are primarily built for service management, focusing on basic metrics like ticket resolution times, technician utilization, and SLA compliance. While those metrics are useful, they don’t offer the depth of insight needed to manage complex projects effectively. Rigid workflows, limited visualization options, and surface-level reporting make it difficult for you to adapt processes, track project-specific tasks, and address issues in real time. This can lead to stalled progress, missed deadlines, and inefficiencies that hold back your operations. 

A key limitation of these PSAs is their lack of robust visualization tools for project and service management. Without customizable Kanban boards, Gantt charts, or swimlanes that offer a clear view of where everything stands, managing tasks, tracking progress, and spotting bottlenecks become challenging. These tools don’t highlight critical issues like stalled tasks, overdue items, or budget overruns, making it harder for you to prioritize effectively and keep projects on track. The reporting in these platforms typically covers basic metrics such as the number of open tickets, average response times, and hours logged. While these metrics have their place, they don’t provide the detailed insights you need to track timelines, allocate resources, or understand cumulative progress. Without that visibility, making informed decisions becomes difficult, leading to delays and inefficiencies. 

TopLeft addresses these gaps by offering a visual management platform designed specifically for MSPs like yours. With customizable Kanban boards, real-time updates, and advanced project tracking tools, TopLeft lets you integrate project management with your service management seamlessly. You can manage both service tickets and complex projects in one interface, giving you the flexibility to adapt workflows, prioritize tasks, and gain the insights needed to make better decisions. If you’re looking to optimize project efficiency and achieve better outcomes, TopLeft gives you the tools that traditional PSAs simply can’t match. 


Why TopLeft is the Strategic Choice for Your Technology Business 

Investing in TopLeft isn’t just about adding another tool to your stack—it’s about transforming how you operate. Our integration goes beyond simply organizing tasks; it’s about maximizing efficiency, improving profitability, and positioning your business for long-term growth. With real-time synchronization, customizable Kanban boards, and advanced project tracking, TopLeft offers features that tools like, Trello, Asana, and MS Smartsheet simply can’t provide. 


Time is money, and every day you delay in optimizing your operations is another day of lost revenue and missed opportunities.  

With TopLeft, one client was able to drive their project efficiency up by 57%. That’s the kind of ROI that pays for itself and sets you up for sustainable success. 

So, why wait? Take your technology operations to the next level with TopLeft. The sooner you integrate, the sooner you’ll see the benefits in both time savings and financial gains. Don’t let inefficiencies hold you back—invest in a solution that delivers real, measurable results and integrates seamlessly with your PSA to elevate your business. 

Request a demo. 


PS: We have a handful of online workshops and events in the coming weeks and months. Visit our events page for the regular updates about our workshops/webinars.

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