Use Cases
Optimize performance
and profitability by focusing on your customers than tools
MSP Owners

How can I stay on track of everything
that's going on?
Management teams today face the challenge of handling a massive amount of data ranging from client requests, tickets, monitoring alerts, email, messages, and voicemails coming from an array of ongoing projects. Traditional PSAs can make it even more difficult because the lack of integration also means having to utilize a variety of tools, just to manually connect all the information you have- that takes time and effort. As a result teams find themselves caught up on low-value tasks that barely move the needle in terms of peformance and profitability.
A better way to work with TopLeft Kanbans through
streamlined MSP operations and optimized workflows
Increase team
Encourage collaboration and accountability
Focus on
Reduce backlogs
and bottlenecks
See how a Kanban's visual framework can help in
improving operational efficiency and
maximizing productivity
Increase team efficiently
Optimize resource utilization through visual workflows that can help enhance task management and prioritization.
- Visualize and track tasks
- Utilize swimlanes to categorize tickets
- Set WIP limits to prevent overload
encourage collaboration and accountability
- Assign tasks and track progress in real-time
- Collaborate on tasks through quick comment updates
- Monitor team performance and identify areas for improvement
Focus on high-impact priorities
- Implement labels and tags to identify high-value tasks
- Use priority columns to visually highlight critical initiatives
- Easily review and reprioritize tasks when needed
Reduce backlogs and bottlenecks
- Visualize task queues and identify causes of delays
- Set policies for task movement to project completion
- Utilize cycle time and lead time metrics for continuous improvement
You don’t have to take our word for it - hear what our clients have to say about working with TopLeft
Matthew Kaufman
CEO at KaufmanIT

(2nd week of CTC program):
It's weird that this is the exact same data in a new visual form, but suddenly everybody knows which tickets should have been closed when they didn't just with ConnectWise. (Closed almost 300 old or finished tickets out of 450 in a week)
Ravi Brounstein
CEO at Alpha IT

(2 weeks into trial)
This product has changed my life. I'm already sold, just for the benefit that it gives to me. We can see progress from Request-For-Quote all the way through to Close, including task work. We've never had that start-to-finish view before.