Pick the perfect licensing plan and Academy Training Package to empower your team.



View anything, edit data, enter time/notes, schedule and dispatch.


Everything in Engineer, and ability to see work for unlicensed TopLeft users. Includes 5 client portal licenses.


For light usage - view any Kanban, drag & drop cards between columns and swimlanes.


Client Portal

Give clients access to custom Kanban boards with what they need to use and change.

TopLeft Academy Pricing

Transform your MSP’s project and service management with our tailored training and adoption plans

Adoption Toolkit

$649 one-time

Do-it-yourself adoption using our
Toolkit of resources…..


Kickoff Call

Co-create a mutual success plan with onboarding and team adoption tasks.

Group 234

Concierge Call

We configure our Recommended Boards and personalize them so that you get quick wins and save time.

In-App Guidance

In-App Guidance

Interactive tutorials, checklists, and walkthroughs within the app.

LMS Access

LMS Access

Training for your team - Completed Ticket Challenge, 12-weeks to Kanban coarse, Agile MSP Training, and more.



Email, chat, and as-needed calls with your Customer Success Manager.

Quarterly Business Reviews

Quarterly Business Reviews

Improve project and ticket flow and usage of the product.

Accelerator Plan

$250/mo Launch Plan

Done-With-You - Live weekly group coaching calls to support your internal Adoption Champions with Lean, Agile, Kanban, and TopLeft adoption.

$250/mo for 2 Champions
+$100/mo for each additional Champion

All Adoption Toolkit Features

Everything included in the Toolkit.


CTC Live Group Calls

Collaborative learning and group coaching.


Agile MSP Bootcamp

Intensive training sessions for adopting Agile practices.


Expert Workshops

3-hour sessions with industry experts on Agile Project Management.

Momentum Coaching

Momentum Coaching

Bi-weekly calls to ensure progress and address challenges.


Do you have a question? We’ve got the answers.

Question: Do we need to license all of our PSA users?

Answer: No, just license the people who need access or you want to visualize their work.

Question: Do all users need to be licensed on the same tier?

Answer: No, you can mix and match.

Question: Are there volume discounts for larger teams?

Answer: Yes, there are volume discounts starting at 10 users. Request a demo and we can run through the pricing calculator together.

Question: Can we pay monthly?

Answer: Yes. After an initial 3-month commitment, you can continue paying monthly. On a contract term (1 to 3 year) you can also enjoy a discount while still paying monthly.

Question: What happens if we need to change the number of licenses mid-year?

Answer: All changes are pro-rated for the remainder of the term. Any reductions are credited to your account but not refunded.

Question: Can we do a trial?

Answer: Yes, you can start with a Paid Pilot with our 30-day Money Back Guarantee. We provide full onboarding training and support. Request a demo to learn more.

Question: Can you provide a detailed quote for e-signature approval?

Answer: Yes, once we’ve discussed your needs we can provide a custom quote for your approval.

Question: What are the ROIs of investing in staff training and a cultural shift?

Answer: The return on investment for staff training is significant. Consider the cost of not training your team if they remain. Regular training in Agile and Lean principles, such as Kanban, can dramatically boost team morale, mental wellness, productivity, profitability, and client satisfaction

Question: If we need Gantt charts, do all users have to be subscribed to the Manager plan?

Answer: No, there's flexibility to choose different subscription plans. You can tailor the mix of licenses according to your team's needs, as demonstrated in the examples we provided.

Question: How long will it take to implement and start using the system?

Answer: Technically, you can have your API connection and boards ready within a day. However, guiding your team through the cultural transition to embrace Agile practices is a longer journey that could span months. Our comprehensive training materials and the adoption toolkit are designed to streamline and accelerate this transition.

Trusted by 150 MSP Happy Customers Worldwide

Customized Licensing Plans


Perfect-fit Licensing Example:

  • 25 users on the Engineer license for full view/edit functionality.
  • 3 on the Manager license so they can access Gantt charts and see work for users without a TopLeft license.
  • 5 Viewer licenses for executives/admin/sales staff who want to see boards
  • 10 additional customer portal licenses for clients wanting to see andcollaborate on joint projects (total 25).

See why TopLeft is the top choice for MSPs

Join over 200 MSPs using TopLeft to gain visibility, remove bottlenecks, and reduce costs.

Steve Psaradellis - CEO of TEBA - AU

We were able to move our average project delivery from negative efficiency to positive 33% efficiency. So we finish projects now with an average of 1/3 time left over!

TopLeft is an extremely affordable investment, considering the costs of switching PSAs and the efficiency improvements.

Judi Noell Baker - Sevice Desk Manager, Seitel Systems

We see value in using TopLeft.

We have seen firsthand how it has helped us visualize our workflows, identify bottlenecks and continuously improve our processes.

We've even brought in new team members who were able to rapidly get up to speed with TopLeft.

Frank Hannaford - Solutions Architect at CoreTech

Straight-forward implementation of Kanban for Project Management that is fully integrated with ConnectWise PSA!.

We manage a lot of Projects (40 - 60 at a time) and TopLeft has proven to improve focus and save time capturing critical information needed to keep projects on schedule!

Scott Patsy - Manager of Strategic Engagement at CIT

The big AHA moment was when I could click on the magnifying glass on a project drill into the tickets for the project. OH MY GOSH.

As a project manager I see my own projects- but to talk w/ clients you need to know about the individual tickets. It gives project managers a better way to manage project milestones.

Sarah Ellis - CIO at Clear Guidance - Austin, Tx

TopLeft turned project management from staring at huge lists, impossible to prioritize, into easily digestible, very visually compelling information.

We are no longer looking at a mountain of data wondering how to break it up. It’s already broken up for us by TopLeft, which makes it much easier to see the flow of tickets.

Before, we also weren’t able to see projects side-by-side—something we can now do thanks to TopLeft.