How CW Agile Board is currently better than CW Kanban
- Quick Create for ticket
- Block/Unblock tickets (without requiring a specific status)
- Can work on tickets in simple mode – hide finance, resources etc with a link to the regular full ticket screen
- Can pop the ticket out in a new window
- Built into CW as a standard feature, at no extra charge
Where CW Kanban is better then the Agile Board
- Uses actual Agile and Kanban concepts such as pull-based workflow, customizable visualization, and minimizing Work In Progress (WIP)
- Visualizes not only tickets but also Sales Opportunities
- Rerank tickets by drag/drop to properly indicate prioritization
- Flexible filtering to only show the desired tickets
- Flexible horizontal swim lanes
- Flexible formatting and visualizing, such as of neglected work or based on other fields
- Mapping of multiple CW statuses into single Kanban column
- Showing tickets from diverse CW boards on a single Kanban board
- Fast!
- Web-based – works on any browser with optimized HTML
- Works well with large screens to maximize real-estate
- Training available on Kanban mindset, methodology, and tools