Like Asana &, but fully integrated to ConnectWise Manage?

Asana & ConnectWise Manage

Are you a ConnectWise Manage user, and you also use Asana or to manage the ConnectWise-generated workflow? On its own, Asana (or are terrific ways to organize your work, see what’s being worked on, and who’s working on it. The problem is that you need to manually enter ConnectWise ticket details into a Asana card – and then place that card into a separately created board – before you can begin to manage the workflow (and, every time information on the ConnectWise ticket changes, you must manually update that as well).

TopLeft – An Integrated Solution

At Kerkhoff Technologies., we created a software tool that eliminates the need to manually enter ticket information into a card. As a ConnectWise MSP ourselves, we needed a clear and effective way to visualize tickets, but couldn’t waste time copying data between ConnectWise and Asana or Now TopLeft is available to all ConnectWise (and Autotask) MSPs to make your service and project management workflows clear and help you minimize Work In Progress.

Here are some of the powerful features of Kanban that are difficult or impossible to build in Asana (or - regardless of how much time you spend copying data back and forth.

  1. Swimlanes– group tickets into horizontal lanes to indicate the group to which they belong. This is useful to see how tickets are distributed by technician or to view tickets in their projects.
  2. Perform operations on tickets directly from the Kanban board- assign technicians, enter time and notes, and change ticket status
  3. Show Work In Progress limits to help your team understand when too much work has been started.
  4. View time entries and notes
  5. Show time remaining until the current SLA stage expires (and warn when it’s approaching soon)
  6. Highlight neglected work– tickets that have been in one status for a long time or have been a long time without a time entry or note
  7. Customize the appearance of the card (background colour, border, etc.) based on properties of the ticket

Topleft helps you avoid time-consuming data entry in Asana (or and it’s specialized for the work done by MSPs in ConnectWise and Autotask. Want to see more? Schedule a demo to discuss how Kanban can help you!