I ask this question daily: How can we optimize workflow?
I’m reading an excellent new book called Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow. The book highlights the five thieves of time that we all encounter daily:
The book is written by Dominica DeGrandis, a leader in the Lean, Flow, and Kanban world. As you probably know, I love the Phoenix Project novel by Gene Kim etc. I view Making Work Visible as a plain English implementation guide, with lots of graphical examples of how to layout Kanban boards, visualize neglected work etc etc. Check out her Youtube videos as well about Kanban and IT Operations.
Signs that you have too much work in progress:
Kanban gives us the freedom to finish work and take pride in what we do.
Let me know if you found this mini-book-review interesting and useful! It has certainly challenged us to rethink how we are using Kanban with our own MSP, IT Consulting, and Development teams. It is also helping us dream up nifty visualization enhancements for the CW Kanban roadmap.