Comparison of ConnectWise Manage Agile Board to CW Kanban
ConnectWiseKanbanHow CW Agile Board is currently better than CW Kanban Quick Create for ticket Block/Unblock tickets (without requiring a specific status) Can work on tickets in simple mode – hide finance, resources etc with a link to...
What it means to be DOING Kanban
KanbanManagement MethodsSo I’ve been thinking about this question for a while… what does it mean to be doing Kanban? Obviously I’ve been committed to Kanban for a while as we’ve built a solution around it, but even though we have all kinds of...
How your MSP techs can always work on the #1 priority, without wasting time scheduling
ConnectWiseProject and Service DeliveryKanbanUpdatesEvery day in an MSP, decisions are made about what tickets the technicians should work on. Usually, this results in a dilemma: Do technicians select tickets all by themselves? This is fast and easy but has some big...
New subscription plan available- Agile Manager
ConnectWiseProject and Service DeliveryKanbanUpdatesCW Kanban is making MSPs more efficient all over the world. Here’s what someone told us on our website chat not long ago: “You have solved all my Connectwise problems for the last 7 years!“
Making it easier for engineers to enter time
ConnectWiseKanbanManagement MethodsUpdatesAs I heard at a ConnectWise Share (User Group) event recently from Sea-Level Operations, if a computer shop received 8 new computers a day and threw out 3, they would go out of business real quick. In the service...
Updated Board Design, Time Entry Support, and Free Training
ConnectWiseProject and Service DeliveryKanbanManagement MethodsHere’s a quick heads-up about changes at CW Kanban that will make your life better. Do share this post with your team members so they too could benefit from these updates!
Send Your Friends and Get Paid – Introducing the Referral Program
ConnectWiseKanbanUpdatesThe IT MSP industry is very close-knit. MSP owners and managers frequently meet counterparts from other companies in training, user groups, and association and community meetings. Sharing ideas, techniques, and tools...
What’s going on at CWKanban?
ConnectWiseProject and Service DeliveryKanbanA lot has been happening at CW Kanban over the past few months. We’ve made steady improvements to the application and have improved other parts of the business too. Here are some of the things we’ve been working on and...
Custom Cards, New Filters, and Licensing
KanbanUpdatesIt’s time to add some colour to CW Kanban! Over the last year we have been syncing more and more data about your ConnectWise tickets. This has helped identify ticket neglect, blocks, or resource mis-management. Now that...
Now accepting Autotask Kanban BETA Signup Applications
AutotaskKanbanUpdatesAs announced on the recent webinar, we are moving forward in our process to make CW Kanban available for Autotask PSA! See the proposed feature list, and submit your interest here: Do...